Top Tips for Breaking in Block Heels
Have you recently invested in a new pair of block heels? Or are you thinking of getting your hands on a new pair of pumps? If you are nodding yes to either of these questions, then you have come to the right place.
The team here at Vybe know exactly what style of block heels are currently on-trend and need to make their way to your shoe collection as soon as possible. Block heels are a super trendy shoe style where nearly every girl you meet will say they own a pair. They also added heel height and stand out in the crowd.
So, if you have not already, it is time to treat yourself to some super cute block heels. We know how comfortable and stylish these pumps are, but we also know that they can take a little while to break in.
Breaking in a pair of block heels is easier than trying to break in a pair of stilettos, but there is still a process that you should follow so you can get the most out of your new pumps.
We have gathered our best tips and tricks on how to break in your new pair of block heels so you can wear them to your next special occasion, day in the office or night out. Take a quick view and faster checkout new heels. Your new pair of pumps will be a total VYBE, girl!
Tip 1 – Wear Them Around the House!
We highly recommend you try out once you get your hands on your new pair of block heels to wear them around the house first. This common tip may seem irrelevant, but trust us, it works wonders.
Wearing your new pair of block heels around the house before wearing them out for the first time can ensure that you feel comfortable in these shoes. There is nothing worse than wearing a new pair of shoes without breaking them in and finding it hard to walk around in them.
You will benefit highly from incorporating this step into your daily routine before the big event arrives of wearing your new block heels for the first time. Block heels come in varying heights, styles and colours. Walking around the house in your pair of block heels will prove to have many benefits.
We know that by breaking in these kicks, you will know the best way to walk in them and what type of surfaces are not compatible with your particular style of block heels.
Of course, you do not have to spend too much time walking around the house in your new pumps either, but spending a few hours in them will help to break them in.
Tip 2 – Get Your Big and Fluffy Socks Ready!
If you find that your new pair of block heels are a little tight around your feet when you first try them on, then we have the perfect solution for you. When this occurs, it is a sign that you need to break in your new pair of block heels.
Of course, the best way to do this with some block heels that are too tight around your feet is to grab your favourite pair of big and fluffy socks. Now, you may be wondering why you might need some big and fluffy socks? Well, these soft guys will help you to break in your new pair of block heels.
All you have to do is put your pair of fluffy socks on and slip your feet into your block heels. Once you are ready, you can spend some time walking around the house in these shoe styles or just relaxing on the couch and watching some Netflix. No matter what you choose to do, your pair of block heels will eventually stretch out, thanks to the big and fluffy socks.
Tip 3 – Bend and Twist!
One of our hot tips for breaking in your pair of block heels is bending and twisting the material. So spend some time playing around with your new pair of block heels and see how quickly this tip can help to break in your new pumps.
For those customer creating ways to break-in, we highly recommend spending some time with your new pair of block heels so you can break them in with ease. Some materials can feel quite stiff or hard to wear, which is why breaking them in is super helpful.
If you spend some time bending and twisting the shoes around, you will find that the material will loosen up. Once the material starts to become loose, it means that these block heels are ready to wear to your next event.
Breaking these block heels in by bending and twisting the material around is a time-efficient way to get your shoes ready to wear to any special event or day full of running errands.
Tip 4 – Find Your Blow-Dryer!
Who would have thought that a blow dryer could help you to break in your new pair of pumps? Well, it certainly can! All you have to do is turn on and run the blow dryer over your new pair of block heels for approximately 1-2 minutes.
This method allows the heat from the blow dryer to soften the shoe material and loosen the way it sits against your feet. This tip is super helpful for leather shoes; however, it is necessary to remember that this material can overheat.
To avoid this from happening, ensure you blow-dry your new pair of pumps evenly instead of directly in one spot. Then, to see if this method has worked on your shoes, all you have to do is try them on a few moments after you have blow-dried the material and see how they fit your feet.
If the pair of shoes still does not feel as comfortable as you would like, run the blow-dryer over these pumps again and repeat the process until you are happy with the fit.
Tip 5 – Use Some Sandpaper!
Okay, now you probably think we are the looneys after reading what this next tip is. But girl, trust us when we say a piece of sandpaper will help break in your new block heels. The way to use a piece of sandpaper when breaking in your new arrivals block heels is to rub it over the surface of your new shoes.
This tip will create more traction with the bottom of your shoes and the ground you walk on. Using sandpaper on the bottom of your new shoes is helpful because sometimes a new pair of pumps have a very smooth base, which can lead to you slipping over.
This can occur if you walk on wet or smooth surfaces, and you start to notice your shoes slipping. To avoid any injuries, rub some sandpaper on the bottom of the shoes for a couple of minutes. Once the bottom of the pumps feels rougher, your block heels should be good to go. You will no more worry about slipping over when you wear these broken-in pumps!
Tip 6 – Some Extra Tips And Tricks!
There are a few other little hacks that you can use to break in your new pair of pumps. We know what works best when breaking in your block heel, and that is to wear some band-aids on your feet in places where the material sits tighter.
When breaking in your new pumps, it is almost inevitable to experience some blisters and sore feet. This issue is due to your feet trying to get used to a new pair of pumps. Spraying your feet with deodorant will ensure they smell good and reduce the amount of friction that can occur.
Find some roll-on deodorant and spread it over your feet so there is a smooth layer between the material and your feet which can reduce any friction from occurring. We also recommend wearing some half gel innersoles in your shoes to increase the level of comfort you get from your new pumps. These can help your feet adjust to the new block heel sandals and make the breaking-in process a lot easier.
Are You Ready For Your Next Pair Of Block Heels?
Are you keen to get your hands on a new pair of pumps? Well, with our helpful tips and tricks on how to break them in, you will be a pro when you get a new pair of pumps at the range of price high to low. Then, head to the Vybe shop website and close checkout some of our latest block heels! We know you will definitely fall in love with these block heels. Enjoy our brand sales and Continue shopping with us!